Archive for July, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday Nicolas!

I think the main reason I  am slow to update this blog is because I want to tell good news, but as is the beast….the journey with Cancer is full of setbacks.

I no sooner updated this blog and the very next day, Nicolas went back into Sick Kids very sick and dehydrated.  It turns out he also had a blood infection (due to his port) and has been on some pretty aggressive IV antibiotics since then.  I am happy to say though, that Nicolas was discharged this afternoon, albeit with a pump,as he needs to continue on these antibiotics until August 2nd.  Nicolas will be able to wake up tomorrow morning, in his own home, and celebrate his 2nd birthday with his family.

Of course, it will be a short visit as Nicolas is due back at Sick Kids on Monday for the week for his 3rd round of Chemotherapy. On the positive side….it will be “round 3″….so we are making progress and seeing an end to this very long journey. It has been 6.5 months since diagnosis and we are finally nearing the end, thank goodness.

On this, the eve of Nicolas’ 2nd Birthday – I would like to tell him that I am inspired by his courage and strength, and tell him that  he has inspired me to live each day with passion and conviction.  Happy  Birthday Nicolas XOXOX.

The Fight Continues…

I have been slow to update this blog, so I apologize for that.  Nicolas has had a rough go with his Chemotherapy treatments.  Chemo is tough on anyone, but for a child as small as he is, it really takes a toll on his body.


Nicolas had his first round of chemo, however due to a virus he caught he became very dehydrated and spent almost all of what was to be his “home” time either at Southlake or at Sick Kids.  He has now had his second course of Chemo last week (July 9 – 12) and is currently at home but again still struggling.  He can not keep any food in him so he is essentially drinking pediasure to sustain him.  He also has had several blood transfusions as his blood counts do not seem to rebound after treatment like they are supposed to.


Nicolas  has also lost most of his hair at this point which is tough on his mommy and daddy.  No “first” haircut for a while, however his mom did take a lock of hair to keep for his baby book.  Despite all of this, Nicolas continues to put up a good fight and we can usually coax a smile or two out of him for a picture.  We all knew this would be a tough phase – but it is a means to an end….to get rid of this Cancer once and for all.


We are also approaching a milestone – Nicolas’ 2nd birthday on July 26th.  To think of all that he has gone through in less then 2 years, it is mind boggling! Although we would love to celebrate with a huge party, this will not happen. Nicolas has no immune system right now and it would be too dangerous for him to be around people/germs.  We are hopeful that we will be able to at least have immediate family and hopefully watch Nicolas eat a piece of cake – but right now it is day by day, so we will just have to wait and see.


I hope you all will celebrate Nicolas on July 26th in your own way – have some cake, hug your loved ones and look forward to the time when we can all come together and celebrate an end to Nicolas’ Cancer!